Maison Alhambra Fortnight For Men

  • Maison Alhambra Fortnight For Men

    United Arab Emirates
    Maison Alhambra
    For men
    Capacity (ml)
    A family of fragrances
    Sweet Spicy
  • The uniqueness of this Maison Alhambra Fortnight For Men fragrance lies in its abundant yet perfectly balanced bouquet of aromas. The fragrant composition begins with subtly strong lavender, hawthorn and chamomile, overflowing with green and spicy notes, which are complemented by the freshness of juicy mandarin, bergamot and lemon, and the sweet earthy colors of nutmeg and woody cedar. The heart of the fragrance is created by floral scents overflowing with sweet and spicy accords, created from carnations, honeysuckle, jasmine, marigold flowers and pansy leaves, and soft and dry notes of nutmeg, cedar and sandalwood. Finally, the fragrance becomes richer, deeper and smoky spicy, as the base notes spread with accords of leather, patchouli, fragrant tonga bean and fragrant goldenrod, which are given sensuality and warmth by musk and amber.

    Aroma notes:

    Top notes - cedar, hawthorn, chamomile, mandarin, bergamot, lemon, nutmeg.

    Middle notes - pansy leaves, clove, honeysuckle, jasmine, calendula.

    The main notes are musk, leather, patchouli, fragrant tonga bean, fragrant golden beard, amber.

    Warning! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components or if you have damaged skin.

    © 2024 Arabic Perfumes Jesaida. Without the consent of MB Jesaida, it is forbidden to copy and distribute the information on the website. 

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