• Johnwin Banquet 540

    United Arab Emirates
    Capacity (ml)
    A family of fragrances
    Sweet Oriental
  • Johnwin Banquet 540 is an intense and deeper fragrance that opens with an impressive saffron and exotic fruits that give it luxury and warmth. The middle notes reveal jasmine and ambergris, giving the fragrance a yellow and soft accent, while the base notes such as cedar and ambergris give stability and depth to this fragrance that has become an icon of luxury. Johnwin Banquet 540 is a unisex fragrance that works for both men and women. It is intense and long-lasting, so it is mostly used in the evenings or special occasions. The fragrance is highly appreciated for its uniqueness, attractive aroma and exquisite composition. This fragrance has become a symbol in modern perfumery, due to its interesting and exclusive scent, which stands out from the others with its complexity and luxury.

    Aroma Notes:

    Top notes are saffron, exotic fruits.

    Middle notes - jasmine, ambergris.

    The main notes are cedar, amber.   

    Warning! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components or if you have damaged skin.

    © 2024 Arabic Perfumes Jesaida. Without the consent of MB Jesaida, it is forbidden to copy and distribute the information on the website. 

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