Fragrance World Barakkat Ambre Eve deodorant 250ml

  • Fragrance World Barakkat Ambre Eve deodorant 250ml

    United Arab Emirates
    Fragrance World
    Capacity (ml)
    A family of fragrances
    Sweet Spicy
  • Barakkat Ambre Eve is a fragrance dominated by warm and sweet notes. It opens with fresh ginger and calm lavender, then develops into a gentle combination of amyris and benevolence. The fragrance ends with warm and deep vanilla and benzoin accents that give it luxury and longevity. Ambre Eve is a fragrance that is mostly suitable for evenings and special occasions due to its intense and warm aroma. It is a unisex fragrance that can be used by both men and women who want a meaningful and luxurious scent. Barakkat Ambre Eve is appreciated for its warm, deep and luxurious aroma that attracts attention with its intensity and subtlety.

    Aroma Notes:

    Top notes are Benedictine ginger, lavender.

    Middle notes - amyris, benzoin.

    The main notes are labdanum, vanilla. 

    Warning! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components or if you have damaged skin.

    © 2024 Arabic Perfumes Jesaida. Without the consent of MB Jesaida, it is forbidden to copy and distribute the information on the website. 

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