Asdaaf Andaleeb deodorant 250ml

  • Asdaaf Andaleeb deodorant 250ml

    United Arab Emirates
    Capacity (ml)
  • Andaleeb is an exclusive oriental fragrance created for women who are characterized by elegance and sophistication. The fragrance opens with a burst of fruity top notes including orange, pear and bergamot, creating a captivating opening. As the journey continues, the delicate charm of white flowers, jasmine and roses unfolds in the heart of the composition. Finally, the base notes form a harmonious combination of caramel, amber, musk and sandalwood, leaving a lasting and enchanting trail. Inspired by a sense of mystique and the allure of an enchanting presence, Andaleeb captures the essence of romance and glamour. It is a scent that speaks of longing and the indescribable feeling of encountering true beauty. This perfume is the epitome of seduction, perfect for women who want to win hearts and leave a lasting impression.

    Aroma notes:

    Top notes - orange, pear, bergamot.

    Middle notes - white flowers, jasmine, roses.

    The main notes are caramel, amber, musk, sandalwood. 

    Warning! For external use only. Avoid contact with eyes. Do not use if you have an individual intolerance to one of the components or if you have damaged skin.

    © 2024 Arabic Perfumes Jesaida. Without the consent of MB Jesaida, it is forbidden to copy and distribute the information on the website. 

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